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Who Is a Data Engineer: Responsibilities And Their Role In a Company

Data Engineer is one of the most important person in data engineering company. In this article, our DataEngi team will help you figure out why!

Maybe the one who is skilled enough to be like a data scientist that can add incredible value to a business. Data engineers can shift your company a few steps ahead by using right data in the right hands. To make the thing more clear, they should understand not only the client’s goals but also the way to achieve it with minimal loss and maximum gain They also search, analyze optional data for enterprises. This role requires a range of technical skills, including programming language skills and in-depth knowledge of SQL database design. To do this, you need to use communication skills to work in different departments.

He focuses on collecting, parsing, managing, analyzing and visualizing large sets of data to turn information into insights accessible through multiple platforms.

Who do you think Data Engineer is?

The role of a data engineer in a company

1. The Role of a Data Engineer In a Company

Data engineers can perform work functions:

Architect. As a rule, they work in a small project or MVP stage. Such engineers work on many processes. Architects are often responsible for every step of the data process, from identify business needs and build/maintain data processing solutions to analyze data.

Pipeline-centric-man: Pipeline-oriented specialists found in medium-sized projects work together with data scientists and help to use the collected data. They need in-depth knowledge of distributed systems and computer science.

Database oriented-man. In larger projects, where the data flow control is a full-time job, data engineers focus on analytic databases. Database-oriented engineers work with data warehouses in several data systems and are responsible for developing schemas.

Key Responsibilities of a Data Processing Engineer

2. Key Responsibilities of a Data Engineer

Data engineers must follow the trends that can influence the goals of company; they manage and organize the data. This post requires experience and serious skills in programming and mathematics. Here is a list of the most common responsibilities:

  • Support the translation of data needs into technical system requirements

  • Support the building of data flow channels and processing systems to extract, transform, load and integrate data from various sources

  • Develop complex code, scripts and data pipelines to process structured and unstructured data near real-time

  • Work with stakeholders to understand needs for data structure, availability and accessibility

  • Develop prototypes and proof of concepts for the selected solutions

  • Develop tools to improve data flows between internal and/or external systems and the data warehouse

  • Facilitate data cleansing, enrichment and data quality improvements

  • Enable searching, data visualization, and advanced analytics functionality

  • Automate the data collection and analysis processes, data releasing and reporting tools

Data Skills

3. Data Skills

Having certain skills can increase your chances to have a higher salary.

Programming languages:

Other skills:

How to become a data engineer?

4. How to Become a Data Engineer?

If you want to find a job in the field of data engineering development you need experience in computer science, engineering, applied mathematics or other related areas of IT. A minimum bachelor's degree in a relevant discipline is required.

You should have experience with Python and Java, as well as with SQL.

It will depend on your situation and the desired position. And this will give you a better idea of how your experience can become a part of this role.

Data Engineer Certification

If you want to stand out in the competition, any of these certificates will look great on a resume:

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